
I’m 28 now. I started this blog after I graduated high school. I feel like I have changed quite a bit. Thankfully. I think I have finally discovered myself, what I will and will not stand for. And it is truly amazing. I want to talk more about life and dealing with chronic illness on this blog as well as hobbies and escapism. Because that’s what a blog is, right? An escape?

I am living with a brain tumor and endometriosis. I have learned so much about myself since being diagnosed and have accepted a lot. But I am always searching for the drive to push through these difficulties. I’m always searching to figure out who I am and where I am going. Having invisible illnesses such as these can put you in a dark space where you don’t see anything but how you’re body is trapping you. But I have come to realize there is so much more to do an accomplish.

Just last weak, I was feeling so fatigued and didn’t think I could keep working. I started exercising and working on my diet. Then Saturday, I hurt my back at work. Now I’m just resting and doing what I can. I’m rolling with the punches but I’m not giving up on my dreams. I just need to modify my expectations.

Keep on trucking.